Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cut Video Cable Cords How Do I Get Mini DVD Files To My Lap Top When My Camcorder Does Not Have Cable To Connect To Computer?

How do I get mini DVD files to my Lap top when my camcorder does not have cable to connect to computer? - cut video cable cords

I have a Canon DC210 camcorder. Use the mini-DVD recording and I these files from my laptop. Connect the camcorder, I can see my TV with the yellow / white / V cable, but how do I download files on my computer? Is there a converter cable I can buy somewhere for the AV cable to the USB port on your computer. How do I do that? Mini-DVDs are small to play in my CD / DVD on your computer.

Once you have the files from my computer for video editing software to cut and bad sides, but how can I get more of them to the computer?


Nu'uanu said...

If your laptop has a DVD tray to download and install HandBrake
Take the last DVD camcorder and put it in the tray-loading DVD-ROM drive.

When the laptop DVD drive slot or optical disk CD does not (has) DVD, then you have two options:
1) Get a DVD player to an external box connected to your computer and download follow the instructions above.

To get 2) an "analog / digital bridge", as ...
Connect your camcorder to the A / D bridge with the same AV cable used to connect to the TV ... then connect the A / D bridge with the computer.

KooTa.45... said...

"Are you for real!
If your computer has a DVD player, you're more than likely a notch on the disk, where the place of the usual CD / DVD that you are smaller on a DVD that can sit as used by the camcorder. Please, do not go to this serious dilemma, right ??????????

Caleb C said...

Have you or FireWire can

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