Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Goku Games Why Isn't Goku Jr And Vegeta Jr In Any Dragonball Z Games And Why?

Why isn't goku jr and vegeta jr in any dragonball z games and why? - goku games

Ive seen a lot of characters in the DBZ DBZ games and I do not talk much to see, but, Goku and Vegeta JR JR can someone explain why JR Goku and Vegeta Jr. is not in any DBZ game and why because I think all People should have the opportunity please give a full explanation


Lyr said...

Let's see

As Goku Vegeta Jr and Goku DBZ DBZ characters Arent GT and not the only time the characters can be found in DO DBZ GT is if it has an important role (such as the PNA have been in some games, etc.)
JR would also Goku Kid Goku nothing more than an attempt by these knda it would be useless

Beavis said...

Dragonball Goku Jr. in the final battle for PS1

Beavis said...

Dragonball Goku Jr. in the final battle for PS1

Mo said...

thats becuz thats a bonus scene and even a movie just for jk detacated goku

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