Sunday, January 10, 2010

Someone In My House Has Mono What Are Some Ways To Prevent Catching Mono From Someone In The House?

What are some ways to prevent catching mono from someone in the house? - someone in my house has mono

Should I drink vitamin water, healthy eating? Any tips?


harriot said...

Not for drinks, utensils, kissing ... make sure that regularly wash their hands. Lysol doorknobs.

Besides all that ... is possible that someone in the same house were exposed to the virus before symptoms were present. Take preventive measures by eating lots of fruit, so that you take to get enough sleep, your vitamins and do not let them overcome, said. This problem does not occur in that the virus enters the body, but can not prevent your body with one point if you get it. Some people are easily affected by the monkeys, while others are missing several weeks / months.

Note also that most people do not get twice. If people are not individual children, whatever. Children do not understand is usually not as bad as adults might be a blessing in disguise, if you understand.

Ashley :] said...

I have mono and that's what the doctor said.

Shares, the drinks, nothing.
do not share toothbrushes
Try not to eat at the same place

the freak, you can breathe your monkey in the air!

Exchange Beverage contagious through kissing, straw, etc.. and mucus.

should be fine only look out super! If you do things out of the container in the refrigerator and they ensure good. Just be careful, because they mono sucks.

good luck (:

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