Friday, January 22, 2010

Evil Eye Pendant Do YOU Believe In The Evil Eye? Srry For The Detailed Details Lol?

Do YOU believe in the evil eye? srry for the detailed details lol? - evil eye pendant

I think it is. I thought I had the evil eye. When I was in my family in Lebanon with my mother, my father, my sister and I had bad luck. I mean, really bad luck. My dad thinks that's the neighbor who never liked our family gave me. First, I have a jellyfish sting. Then I dropped by 18 cement stairs to the top of the bridge on the ground. My uncle has saved me, and I cracked my head. And then I touched his hand on the door and I was black and blue around my eyes and hands for a month. Frankly, I think it is a EVula eye. and Lebanon, who believe that if someone to catch uu give the evil eye, scratching u have ur a $ $ 3-times available. lol. They also wear a follower of a man little blue marble with a black dot in the center in a gilt frame in the shape of the eye. I have avoided on the same channel as my cross to evil. lo. Uy believe? Do u think there would be no other reason for all my misery? lol. Note that I am 4 years. =]. thnx for all ur comment, (if I) =] GOD BLESS!
ps did I question B4, but I forgot some things. sooo. do u think uve had the evil eye? What happened to u? we do that was the AU? something like what I put u? ru, what ethnicity? in Lebanon and I am a little superstitious, CUS I was born on Friday 13nd. Muslim, and of course I'm not wearing a CVU cross. k, thnx AGAIN!

1 comment:

Puertori... said...

I have 2, but I keep thinking about it, and I

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